RSI News
As necessary and sparingly, RSI publishes short news items that demonstrate the range of work in which our team is engaged. Only when relevant and permissible do we mention the actual client, otherwise we simply refer to the type of client.
Neil Comer to present at OPTrust Climate Change Symposium
The OPTrust Climate Change Symposium being held NOVEMBER 19-20, 2018 in TORONTO offers an opportunity to provide new insights into how to face climate change and thrive in an era of disruption. Climate change is one of the most significant challenges facing the world today and increasingly complex to navigate.…
Read MoreEmma Hartnett 2018 recipient of Center for Produce Safety (CPS) Research Award
CPS has recently announced 13 new research awards totaling a little over $2.6 million. The awards are for research projects directed at answering critical questions in specific areas of food safety practices. Among this year’s topics: storage, sanitation, agricultural water, co-management and risk-based field sampling. Projects will begin in January…
Read MoreBest Practices for Consideration of the Effects of Climate Change in Project-Level Assessments
Risk Sciences International (RSI) is pleased to announce in collaboration with the Ontario Centre for Climate Impacts and Adaptation Resources (OCCIAR), the public release of “Best Practices for Consideration of the Effects of Climate Change in Project-Level Assessments”. The Best Practices document is available at RSI, CONTACT US HERE for…
Read MoreRisks of anticholinergic drugs
Adverse effects of drugs among the elderly should be given special attention when considering a pharmacological intervention. Two recent papers using large electronic health records have explored the impact of drugs with anticholinergic properties. The first, “Associations between Anticholinergic Burden and Adverse Health Outcomes in Parkinson Disease” view here used a…
Read MoreDr. Emma Hartnett Selected for JEMRA Roster of Scientific Experts
RSI’s Emma Hartnett has been selected to be part of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meetings on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA) Roster of Experts for a term of 5 years (2018 to 2022). JEMRA is an international scientific expert group that is administered jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization of…
Read MoreSafety Profiles of Newer Contraceptives presented at meeting of Society of Reproductive Investigation
RSI Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Donald R. Mattison, in collaboration with colleagues from the Institute for Safe Medication Practices and Wake Forest University, evaluated and compared the safety profiles of newer contraceptives using 43,324 adverse event case reports submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System…
Read MoreTraining Seminar in Systematic Review
RSI recently conducted an in-house training session in systematic review for its staff. The session featured a keynote presentation by Dr. Katya Tsaioun from Johns Hopkins University, who provided an overview of best practices in systematic review. The training included two systemic applications of systematic review, and current software in…
Read MoreDecision making framework developed for Canadian Blood Services (CBS) now online
RSI was contracted by CBS to assist the Alliance of Blood Operators in the development of a blood-safety oriented risk-based decision-making framework. Why use this framework? Streamline the process of assessing blood safety risk and make informed blood safety decisions. To access the Framework on the Alliance of Blood Operators…
Read MoreRSI speaks to The Weather Network about wildfires and climate
2017 was a record-setting year for devastating wildfires across Canada and throughout the world. The Weather Network spoke to Heather Auld, principal climate scientist about what we can expect for the 2018 wildfire season. To see the video of what Heather had to say, click here.
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