Contact RSI

RSI is very interested in connecting with new clients, but not only. We are also very keen to hear from potential associate experts, student interns, and project partners. Note that existing clients use a different contact mechanism, however, if you are an existing client and do not have our system bookmarked or are new to a project, please feel free to use the contact form below.

Risk Sciences International

Connect with us

Welcome to our RSI Connect system.

Due to the high volume of spam and in the interest of serving our stakeholders effectively, we use our secure RSI Connect system.

If you would rather email us directly, you can but our reply may be slightly delayed. Our support email address is: important at

Monique Macdonald

cares about your message,
and will get it to the right person promptly.

Monique, RSI's Office Administrator, joined RSI in 2017.

RSI's Monique MacDonald

Official representation

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Washington, DC, USA


Telephone: +1 (613) 260-1424

Email: important at


9:00 - 17:00 EST

Emergencies handled 24/7