RSI News
As necessary and sparingly, RSI publishes short news items that demonstrate the range of work in which our team is engaged. Only when relevant and permissible do we mention the actual client, otherwise we simply refer to the type of client.
Country Foods Forum
Leading up to February 11 and 12, 2020, Risk Sciences International had the privilege of assisting Health Canada in its organization of the Country Foods Forum. The event attracted a number of experts in country foods risk assessment from across Canada. Participants and speakers represented a broad cross section of…
Read MoreWorkshop on Evidence Integration December 5-6, 2019
Risk Sciences International is organizing a two day Workshop on Evidence Integration in support of human health risk assessment in collaboration with the McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment at the University of Ottawa and the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing at Johns Hopkins University. The meeting will…
Read MoreRSI wins 2019 Consulting Engineers of Ontario Award of Merit
Risk Sciences International (RSI), as members of a consulting team with Stantec, along with the Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation (OFNTSC), has won an Award of Merit from the Consulting Engineers of Ontario for the First Nations Infrastructure Resilience Toolkit (FN-IRT). The Consulting Engineers of Ontario Awards showcases projects that enrich society through application…
Read MoreUpdated CSA Technical Guide for Infrastructure in Permafrost published
A second updated edition of the CSA national permafrost standard was published on May 21, 2019 and features climate and climate change information provided by Risk Sciences International. This “CSA PLUS 4011, Technical Guide: Infrastructure in permafrost: A guideline for climate change adaptation”, supersedes the previous edition published in 2010.…
Read MoreRSI chairs panel session at Building the Next Generation of Canadian Infrastructure Conference
RSI chairs and presents on panel sessions for the Toronto conference, “Building the Next Generation of Canadian Infrastructure: Defining a roadmap for optimizing infrastructure planning, implementation and operation” held on May 15 . This inaugural conference, hosted by InfoNex, see more here recognizes that the next era of Canadian infrastructure must…
Read MoreRSI Chairs Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA)
RSI’s Dr. Emma Hartnett chaired the recent Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA). The focus of the week-long event held March 11 to 15, 2019, was the update and consolidation of technical guidance documents to allow for a more current and coordinated approach to assessing microbiological hazards…
Read MoreRSI partners with Engineers Canada to offer Online Workshop on the PIEVC Protocol
RSI and Engineers Canada are partnering to offer an online version of the introductory workshop on the PIEVC Protocol for infrastructure climate risk and vulnerability assessment. Online Workshop: Integrating Climate Risk into Infrastructure Development: The PIEVC Protocol April 2, 4, 9, 11, and 16, 2019; 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. EST…
Read MoreRSI contributes to newly published book on Blood Safety.
Written by experts in the field, Blood Safety: A Guide to Monitoring and Responding to Potential New Threats offers a concise yet comprehensive overview on critical issues in monitoring and responding to new microbial threats to blood safety. The Book was edited by Hua Shan and Roger Dodd and recently published by Springer. RSI’s Anne…
Read MoreRSI Provides Technical Advice and Review to Vietnam Partners and on-site Climate Support for Workshop
Engineers Canada is a partner with the German development agency Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) in the execution of their Enhanced Climate Services for Infrastructure Investment Project. RSI’s Dr. Neil Comer provided climate and climate change expertise supporting the planned construction of a major infrastructure development sited in…
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