About RSI
At Risk Sciences International, risk is not just one more offering, it is our only offering.
When clients engage with a new firm, they have specific expectations influenced by how the organization portrays itself. The importance of providing clear and unambiguous narratives is therefore critical. We strive to do so. RSI only bids on, or accepts, projects that we feel we can deliver favorably.
Risk Sciences International is a boutique firm that specializes in offering proven expertise in risk to organizations in the private, public, and civil sectors. Our company operates at a size where, for most contracts, the project lead is one of our senior scientists, engineers, or specialized practice leads. It is worth noting that despite our modest size, RSI boasts a strong reputation, empowering us to attract highly qualified external associate experts. As a result, RSI consistently delivers high-quality results on projects ranging from those typical of small businesses and local communities to large and intricate endeavors undertaken for multinational corporations, federal governments, and multilateral organizations.
The company – Risk Sciences International, Inc. (RSI) – formally founded in 2006, is headquartered in Ottawa (Canada), is led by CEO Greg Paoli, and specializes in understanding, managing, and communicating risks that impact health, personal livelihoods, property, public infrastructure, the environment, regulatory compliance, stakeholder expectations, and broader societal, industrial, and governmental activities.
If your goal is to understand, manage, or communicate risks more effectively, so as to make better-informed choices when addressing present or emerging risks, Risk Sciences International aspires to earn the privilege of becoming your trusted advisor.
More details...
RSI's homepage is very information-rich with many details regarding RSI's services, experience, resources, philosophy and more. If you have already seen it, great, if you have not, we encourage you to visit it.
Discover our experts...
RSI Experts come from multiple disciplines, cultural backgrounds, and even philosophies of risk. Jointly, they are a unique group of risk specialists able to deliver highly pragmatic results.
RSI Milestones
Paoli IRR
Greg Paoli joins Institute for Risk Research at the University of Waterloo
Greg Paoli leave IRR and forms Decisionalysis Risk Consultants
Decisionalysis early team
Current RSI experts Todd Ruthman, Emma Hartnett, Anne Wiles and Margaret Wilson join Decisionalysis Risk Consultants.
RSI founded
Daniel Krewski and Greg Paoli found Risk Sciences International, Inc. as a merger/partnership of Decisionalysis Risk Consultants and the University of Ottawa's R. Samuel McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment
2007, 2009
World Health Day
RSI expert develops communication strategy and all tools for the World Health Organization's global World Health Day campaign
Toxicity C21
As Chair of a National Academy of Sciences committee, Daniel Krewski leads the publication of a seminal publication: Toxicity in the 21st Century
RSI awarded first of three IDIQ contracts with the US FDA
Science and Decisions
Greg Paoli participates in publication of Science and Decisions
SRA Distinguished Achievement Award
Daniel Krewski is awarded the Society for Risk Analysis' Distinguished Achievement Award
SRA Chauncey Starr Award
Emma Hartnett awarded the Society for Risk Analysis' Chauncey Starr Distinguished Young Risk Analyst Award
Washington D.C.
RSI opens Washington D.C. official liaison
Greg Paoli becomes CEO
After 17 years at the helm of RSI, Daniel Krewski steps down. Greg Paoli becomes RSI CEO.
Daniel Krewski stays on as Chief Risk Scientist and senior advisor.