A second updated edition of the CSA national permafrost standard was published on May 21, 2019 and features climate and climate change information provided by Risk Sciences International. This “CSA PLUS 4011, Technical Guide: Infrastructure in permafrost: A guideline for climate change adaptation”, supersedes the previous edition published in 2010. RSI climate scientists were involved as well in the development of the first Guide.
The updated climate information for the new edition includes:
- Current climate change projections recommended for use in northern Canada (Chapter 4);
- Current trends in climate (temperature and precipitation) throughout the North (Chapter 4)
- Range of climate projections available for northern Canada are presented graphically to allow assessment of current uncertainty in future climate projections (Chapter 4 and Annex C);
Funding for the CSA Group to develop this Guideline came from the Standards Council of Canada, as part of the Northern Infrastructure Standardization Initiative with input from the Northern Advisory Committee (NAC).
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