Each year the Society of Toxicology, Biological Modeling Specialty Section (BMSS) does a literature search to identify outstanding modeling papers in the field of toxicology.
The PubMed search identified well over 300 papers for drugs and chemicals. The list was reduced to approximately 60-70 in the general field of toxicology, and again reduced to 30+ papers with authors who have an SOT affiliation. Subsequently, a short list of 9 papers was selected, including the RSI paper on application of PBPK models in estimating human brain tissue manganese concentrations.
A copy of the paper is available here: Ramoju-2017-The application of PBPK models in estimating human brain tissue manganese concentrations.
The Society of Toxicology is a learned society based in the United States that supports scientific inquiry in the field of toxicology.
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