Risk Sciences International is organizing a two day Workshop on Evidence Integration in support of human health risk assessment in collaboration with the McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment at the University of Ottawa and the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing at Johns Hopkins University.
The meeting will be held at the University of Ottawa on December 5-6, 2019. In addition to invited participants from Canada, the United States and Europe, the meeting is open to other interested participants on a space available basis. Time has been allocated for poster presentations on December 5th, for participants who wish to present their own work in the area of evidence integration in risk assessment.
Individuals wishing to attend should contact Monique MacDonald mmacdonald@risksciences.com at Risk Sciences International expressing an interest in registering for the workshop.
Further information is available in the Preliminary Workshop Agenda.
A block of guest rooms has been arranged at Les Suites Hotel, 130 Besserer Street, Ottawa, until November 30, 2019. Reserve online at www.les-suites.com and select Preferred Group Rates (found under the All Rates heading). Please use group code 217181 for your booking.
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