Syed A. Sattar
Country of Residence

Professional Experience
Dr. Sattar has been actively involved in research on all major classes of microbial pathogens for nearly five decades now. A major focus of this work is to better understanding the influence of environmental factors on the survival and dissemination of pathogens through water, food, air, municipal wastes and animate and inanimate surfaces. He also studies the use of safe and sustainable technologies for interrupting the spread of infectious agents in healthcare and other settings. Funding for his investigations has come from peer-reviewed sources as well as research study contracts. He regularly provides expert in-put to various national and international agencies and the private sector. He has an extensive publication record and has also delivered over 350 invited lectures across the globe. Among the books he has written is the 2013 reference text Principles and Practice of Disinfection, Preservation & Sterilization (5th ed; Wiley-Interscience).
Academia, Publishing, Awards
During his academic career of nearly five decades, he has published well over 200 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, and three books. He has presented hundreds of invited talks in some 30 countries. Among his numerous professional recognitions are: M.S. Favero Lectureship of the Association of Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Lifetime Achievement Award of the Ottawa Centre for Research & Innovation (OCRI), and the Hygieia Gold Medal of the Rudolf Schulke Foundation (Hamburg, Germany).