A Risk Sciences International news item (Last modifed: September 3, 2019)

RSI is pleased to announce that Roger Rempel has joined us as the Director of the RSI Climate Group.

Roger is a senior environmental engineer and certified Infrastructure Resilience Professional (IRP) with over 25 years of experience in environmental assessment, climate change vulnerability assessment, quantitative risk assessment, environmental systems modeling and public consultation. He has conducted and managed assessments investigating emerging concerns such as climate change vulnerability for critical infrastructure, accidental chemical release modelling, modelling for air quality impacts, water quality modelling and runoff modeling.
Roger has conducted climate change impact assessments and served as technical advisor to several multi-disciplinary study teams assessing critical public infrastructure and related components for vulnerability to climate change impacts and extreme events. In 2015/16, Roger served as acting Chair of the Prairie Regional Adaptation Collaborative, a collaborative that advances adaptation programs and initiatives for the Provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. He has developed and facilitated stakeholder-visioning events, public consultation workshops and open houses, and technical forums related to climate change vulnerability assessment, adaptation and resiliency planning for communities across Canada. Roger has worked repeatedly with Engineers Canada’s Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee, assisting Engineers Canada in periodic revision of its PIEVC Protocol, and in international capacity building and knowledge transfer projects for international engineering applications. Roger’s work in engineering assessment of critical infrastructure for impacts induced by climate change has been conducted in Canada, the U.S.A., the Caribbean and Central America. Roger serves as a member of the steering committee for the Prairie Climate Centre (University of Winnipeg and the International Institute for Sustainable Development), and the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association’s National Climate Change Committee. He is also a member of the course development and delivery team for professional training for IRP candidates on behalf of Engineers Canada.

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