Peter Aggett
Paediatrician , Professor of Child Health and Nutrition
Country of Residence
Current Professional Activities
Peter Aggett is a Paediatrician with an interest in Gastroenterology, Metabolism and Chemical Pathology. His focus has been on essential trace elements in health and disease.
Professional Experience
Emeritus Head of Lancashire School of Health and Postgraduate Medicine and Professor of Child Health and Nutrition, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, United Kingdom.
Following a Research Fellowship at the Hospitals for Sick Children, London, he worked at The Rowett Institute of Animal Nutrition, Aberdeen, Scotland, and at the Institute of Food Research, Norwich, UK as Assistant Director. During which appointments he became involved in Public Health Nutrition and Nutrient Risk Assessment and Food Safety. He has served on Scientific Advisory Committees, Panels and Working Groups for the IAEA, IPCS, WHO, the European Commission, and the European Food Safety Authority. In the UK he has been Vice-Chair of the UK Committee on Toxicity. Since retiring he has served for EFSA as an External Expert on groups reviewing Dietary Reference Values including Upper Levels for essential micronutrients.
Role at RSI
Peter Aggett is an Associate Expert with Risk Sciences International.